SOLAR ENERGYSolar Mini-Grids Development

Access to Electricity is essential for people’s lives and livelihoods. Where major uses involve powering fridges to store food and medicine; charging mobile phones to stay connected; lighting up households and schools at night, powering local businesses among many.
In some regions of developing countries, this is not the case. Electricity is a rare commodity and those who have access often rely on polluting unreliable and costly diesel-powered generators.

Standby Generator Installation

After almost ten years of building solar mini-grids in rural Sub-Saharian Africa, we decided to share our knowledge and expertise with other companies to speed up universal energy access and maximize our impact on local economic development.

Solar-powered mini-grids is the answer to rural access and end of dirty energy. Well-suited to small, remote communities, renewable energy mini-grids can now be the cheaper, greener option for rural electrification.

Mini-grids are the answer to communities where grid extension and standalone solar systems aren’t viable for larger electricity needs. Essentially they are independent, decentralized electricity networks that can function separately from a national grid.


With mini-grids, especially hybrid mini-grid systems, the reliability of power supply to underserved areas is greater when compared to the current national grid. With hybrid systems, there is a guarantee of the availability of power when one resource is unavailable.

Mini-grids Are Flexible

The financial and technical implications involved in extending the national grid to off-grid locations mountainous regions. are on the high end. However, mini-grids are an easier approach as they can be deployed anywhere and the designs can be altered to be site-specific.


When compared with other decentralized energy solutions such as Pico solar lanterns, solar home systems and more innovative approaches, mini-grids stand out. providing power for all uses including, welding, cooling, basic lighting, milling amongst others.

Reduced Power Losses

Mini-grids are deployed in proximity to where they are needed. Therefore, the electrical power losses will be reduced when compared with the national power grid. This also guarantees power quality and security.

Mini-grids are well-suited to small, remote communities, renewable energy mini-grids can now be the cheaper, greener option for rural electrification.